“There’s lots of things that you can do that are scientific… technically, you can do anything!”
Ines M., third-grader, Texas.


In a world propelled by technology and innovation, the demand for a technically skilled, STEM-related workforce has reached unprecedented heights. At CEF, we believe that cultivating a passion for science among young learners is essential for a prosperous future.

For 35 years, CEF’s You Be The Chemist® programs have encouraged Kindergarten - 8th grade students to pursue science-related education throughout high school, skilled trades, career certifications, college, and into the workforce thanks in part to the generous contributions of supporters like you.

We are committed to addressing equity gaps in education and ensuring that all students have access to quality STEM learning opportunities. Our programs also focus on developing essential 21st Century Learning Skills such as creative thinking, problem-solving, time management, effective communication, and collaboration—the very skills required for students to thrive in their academic careers and as they enter the workforce. 

Your generous donation ensures that CEF can continue providing essential free STEM programs and resources to students and teachers across North America. Each gift directly enhances the quality and reach of our programs. 

Thank you for making a donation today and investing in young students during this pivotal time!

P.S. If you are intending to make a donation as a corporation, please use our company donation form.

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