CEF’s You Be The Chemist Challenge® is a collaborative, multilevel student science competition that celebrates science and elevates STEM careers. To find out more about the Challenge, please click here5th-8th grade students are eligible to compete in teams of three (3) – four (4). To find a Regional Challenge in your area, see our list of In-person events!

Registration for the 2023-2024 Challenge is CLOSED

October 2, 2023

Challenge Registration and Team Submission opens.

Rules and study material released. This year, Challenge study materials were provided through a partnership with Sasol.

Teams can begin working on their video, to be submitted by March 22, 2024.

December 29, 2023

Registration closes. Extended to Jan 31st for Virtual Participants only

January 8, 2024

Deadline for in-person Team Coordinators to administer the Qualifier exam and complete Team Submission.

January 19, 2024

In-person Regional Challenge events begin. In-Person Regional Challenge events will occur between Friday, January 19 and Sunday, March 10.

January 31, 2024

Team Submission closes

March 2 & 6, 2024

Teams participating in the virtual track compete in the virtual Regional Challenge on one of these dates (selected during Team Submission). Teams may submit answers as a group or answer questions individually. If team members answer questions individually, their scores will be averaged.

March 22, 2024

Video Submission deadline. Extended to March 31st

Teams collaborate throughout the year to create a video based on the year’s prompt that will be evaluated. All teams participating at an in-person or virtual Regional Challenge event must create and submit a video to be eligible as a National Finalists.

April 2024

State winners will be announced at the end of April.

June 10 & 11, 2024

The National Challenge will be held in person in Houston, TX.


If you have any questions, visit our FAQ page or email challenge@chemed.org for more information.