What is the Challenge?

CEF’s flagship program, the Challenge, is a team-based STEM competition for 5th -8th grade students who compete at Regional Challenge events organized by CEF’s industry volunteers and produce videos in which they will form a start-up company to investigate sustainability questions and community-based solutions.

The top five teams from across the US and Canada compete at the National Challenge in Houston, Texas, in June for $50K in scholarships that can used for skilled training, career certifications, and college.

The Challenge incorporates essential skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, entrepreneurship, and problem-solving — the very skills required to thrive in students’ academic careers and as they enter the workforce.

CEF supplies educators and parents with all the necessary resources to participate in the Challenge, including online support, study materials, and tips on step-by-step implementation.

Why should you register for the Challenge?

  • Participation can be used as an asynchronous education tool for your classroom or as an after-school opportunity.
  • Interactive study materials are available for your students once you register. For 2023 – 2024, Challenge study materials were provided through a partnership with Sasol.
  • Students can develop their interest in science and compete for scholarships!

Through participating in the Challenge, students will have the opportunity to gain the following skills:

You can view more information about the Challenge on our FAQ page. For any questions related to the Challenge, please reach out to challenge@chemed.org.