“There’s lots of things that you can do that are scientific… technically, you can do anything!”
Ines M., third-grader, Texas.

The biggest global challenges we face today require a STEM-capable workforce to fix them. And unfortunately, we’re not producing enough graduates to fill those available STEM jobs.
 To build a strong STEM workforce, we need more students to be interested in science at a young age – and that’s exactly why our programs are focused on engaging K-8 students. Our program approach uses hands-on learning, proven to spark student creativity, engagement, and retention. All of these are critical to keeping students interested in science throughout their academic studies.
 Your personal donation today will be put to immediate use, helping CEF reach students early on in grades K-8 to ignite an interest in STEM and prepare them to tackle real-world issues.
 Thank you for donating!

P.S. If you are intending to make a donation as a corporation, please use our company donation form here.
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